While money for college is important, your experiences in college and the world are equally important. As a member of the LGBT community, you should definitely check into the Humanity in Action Fellowship Programs. Not only do these scholarship programs help you to help others avoid the pain and unfairness of discrimination – for any reason – but being a part of these fellowships could eventually make you eligible or even help you to win other LGBT scholarships that are offered throughout the LGBT community organizations.
Humanity in Action is an educational organization that operates on a global level. The purpose of the organization is to overcome differences in races, cultures, sexual preferences, and more. The organization is comprised of students worldwide. The main goal of the organization is to overcome the denial of rights for minorities on college campuses around the world.
Through Humanity in Action, you can apply for several fellowships, which include the Summer Fellowship Programs, the Lantos/HIA Congressional Fellowship, the Pat Cox/HIA Fellowship at the European Parliament, and the San Francisco Grassroots Fellowship. These fellowships do not award any money, but they do award a vast amount of experience and information that could actually be used later to obtain money to help pay for college.
The Summer Fellowship Programs are offered in the United States, Denmark, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. This program is divided into two parts, with the first part lasting three and a half weeks. The second part allows the Fellow to participate in an Action Project that focuses on human rights for minorities.
The Lantos/HIA Congressional Fellowship lasts for four months, and allows a small group of outstanding Fellows – with preference given to those who have participated in the Summer Fellowship Programs – to interact with the United States Congress on issues concerning minorities.
Outstanding Fellows from the Summer Fellowship programs are also considered for the Pat Cox/HIA Fellowship, which lasts for three months. During this fellowship, participants interact with Parliament in Europe concerning the rights and issues that face minorities.
Senior Fellows can apply for the San Francisco Grass Roots Fellowship Program. This program allows you to work four days a week at various organizations that deal with the rights of minorities. Only twelve Fellows from the Europe and United States Fellowships are selected each year for this program.
When you apply, there are different applications based on where you live in the world, and there are different application deadlines for different Fellowship Programs. In order to apply, you must be a student in France, Germany, Denmark, Bosnia, Herzegovina, The Netherlands, The Ukraine, Poland, or the United States. If you are not a student in one of these countries, you may not apply for any of these Fellowship Programs.
Obtaining a HIA Fellowship will heighten your chances of winning LGBT scholarships as well as other scholarship programs. Now may be the perfect time for you to apply for them.
Contact information can be found at Humanity in Action.