Ali Nickel-Dubin was the founder of Colage, and upon his death, a memorial scholarship program was implemented, in an effort to help with the education expenses of those students who have parents or guardians that are gay, lesbian, or transgender. The LGBT Scholarship program was named after his father Lee Dubin. Lee Dubin was a gay man, with children, and he saw the importance of supporting the children of lesbians, gays, and transgender people, which makes the Colage Scholarship Program very essential to the LGBT community and their children.
The Colage Organization was not created for members of the LGBT community, but specifically for the children of those individuals, who have always faced a great deal of opposition from discriminatory people and organizations. The Colage organization works to support these children in a variety of ways. The Colage organization offers events, publications, leadership opportunities, activism opportunities, advocacy programs, and online communities for the children and young adults that it serves.
The Leadership Internship, named the Felicia Park-Rogers Summer Internship is also offered through Colage, which allows young people between the ages of fifteen and eighteen to help organize and lead a variety of events through the organization each year. This, however, is not a part of the Lee Dubin Memorial Fund, but it can set you up to be a winner of that fund at a later date, so it is a good idea to find out more about this ten week leadership internship that is offered through the organization.
Colage manages the Lee Dubin Memorial Fund, which awards four gay scholarships each year, in the amount of $1000. Preference is given to students who have parents who are a part of the LGBT community as well as those who show financial need. However, the organization states that any undergraduate is welcome to apply, and that there are no discriminations made during the selection process for these awards. With that said, preference is also given to students who have actually worked towards combating homophobia, racism, and other types of discrimination.
In order to be eligible for one of these four awards, you must be an undergraduate student, or about to enter college as an undergraduate. Graduate students will not be considered. Additionally, you must have a parent who is gay, lesbian or transgender, but the person could be your legal guardian as well. If you have not yet enrolled in college, you are not eligible. You must have and maintain at least a GPA of 2.0.
Additionally, if you win one of the Colage Scholarships, you must be willing to be named publicly, in connection with Colage, Horizons, and the LGBT Community. The deadline for applying each year for one of these four awards occurs in late April.